The Ultimate Sales Machine
The 50 year old executive who manages a sales team that could use a little boost in their spirit, the 27 year old solo entrepreneur, who is still working out her angle on business, and anyone who ever put the audience to sleep during a presentation.
Reading Chet Holmes's book can turn your business into a high-performing, massively profitable, superior money-making force in whatever field or market you compete in. . . . It's essential reading for anyone craving business greatness and prosperity. (Jay Abraham, author of Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got)Chet has the best material I've seen for how to attract an army of top producers and how to get the most out of them once you get them. (T. Harv Eker, bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)The Ultimate Sales Machine is an amazing book that will powerfully change the way you do business. Chet Holmes is a one-of-a-kind talent and this incredibly practical book is the embodiment of his highly successful approach. (Stephen M. R. Covey, author of The Speed of Trust)The Ultimate Sales Machine [is] a book that puts it all together to help you dramatically increase your sales if you are wise enough to follow its advice. (Michael Gerber, bestselling author of The E-Myth and E-Myth Revisited)No hype or theory here. Chet offers sound, yet simple, business advice to grow your business stronger than ever! (Tom Hopkins, author of How to Master the Art of Selling)This book will be a classic for as long as businesses seek to improve their profits, their sales, and their futures. (Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the Guerrilla Marketing series)This is by far the best sales book I have ever read and I have read hundreds. As someone who runs [more than] fifteen companies and employs more than six hundred people, I can honestly say this is a book I will refer to for decades to come. (A. Harrison Barnes, CEO, Juriscape)Chet not only knows more and better ways to grow sales than probably anyone, but even more important, he has the systems that make his concepts realistic and easy to implement. Most of the books I've read on business growth are interesting. But this man's material is out-of- the-park great. (Loral Langemeier, author of The Millionaire Maker's Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life)
Books about sales are a dime a dozen, and I've reviewed several dollars worth. Most of them try to pump you up, then give you several thousand great-sounding-but-vague-and-close-to-useless tips on how to get more prospects and close the sale. This book is different.
The Ultimate Sales Machine is one of my favorite sales books of all time for a simple reason: it's based on the author's personal experience of improving the sales of hundreds of companies over many, many years. You won't find fluffy theory in this book - just 12 clear priorities that will help you improve your profit margins and make more sales.
There is a story about when Chet was a sales manager (this is not in the book). At conference meetings he would set out some delicious treats. Only the people who hit their sales targets were invited to enjoy these treats. This speaks volumes about his strict focus on performance, no nonsense approach, and of course dedication to closing sales.Many people have a bad taste in their mouth about sales, but it is necessary and at the center of all businesses. Billionaire Peter Thiel supports sales and talks a great deal about it in his book Zero To One. Another legendary book about sales is Winning Through Intimidation.
Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.ContentsAcknowledgments000Preface000Introduction000Chapter One: Time Management Secrets of Billionaires000How to maximize your productivity and help your people do the sameChapter Two: Instituting Higher Standards and Regular Training000Preprogram your organization to run like a finely tuned machine Chapter Three: Executing Effective Meetings000How to work together to improve every aspect of your companyChapter Four: Becoming a Brilliant Strategist 000How to get up to nine times more impact from every move you makeChapter Five: Hiring Superstars000How to accelerate your growth by using high octane talent at every level Chapter Six: The High Art of Getting the Best Buyers 000The fastest, least expensive way to dramatically increase salesChapter Seven: The Seven Musts of Marketing 000Turbocharge every aspect of your primary marketing effortsChapter Eight: The Eyes Have It 000Attract and close more buyers by using more compelling visuals Chapter Nine: The Nitty-Gritty of Getting the Best Buyers000Step-by-step, day-by-day strategy to land your dream clientsChapter Ten: Sales Skills000The deeper you go, the more you will sellChapter Eleven: Follow-Up and Client Bonding Skills000How to keep clients forever and dramatically increase your profitsChapter Twelve: All Systems Go000Setting goals, measuring effectiveness, and activating your master planEndnotes000
Chet Holmes was a much-admired corporate trainer and sales and marketing consultant. Beloved lecturer and founder of Chet Holmes International, his portfolio included numerous Fortune 500 companies, such as Warner Bros., NBC, Pacific Bell, GNC, Citibank, Wells Fargo and many others.
To make sure you understand the difference between a tactic and a strategy, here are some simple, yet essential, definitions. A tactic is a method or technique used to achieve an immediate or short- term gain. You run ads or send direct mail pieces to get leads. You go on a sales call to make a sale. You attend trade shows to meet with potential buyers and get more leads. These are examples of tactics.
A strategy is a carefully defined and detailed plan to achieve a long-term goal. In business, a strategy is the overall impact, the ultimate position you would like to achieve in the market. To think like a brilliant strategist, you will design and combine your tactics with the long- term strategy in mind. In addition, you will constantly ask yourself and your team, \"How many strategic objectives can we accomplish with each tactic\" In this chapter I'll show how every tactic can potentially achieve 10 or more strategic objectives.
Tactical executives think only in terms of making the sale for today. They don't understand strategy. If you tell them that it's twice as difficult today as it was 10 years ago to get an appointment with a prospect, they will think of ways to make the sales team try twice as hard. Strategic executives will often look at the situation from a global perspective and see if they can develop some high- level strategy that might help to solve the problem. These executives are brilliant. They create concepts, ideas, and strategies that most would never develop. But strategic executives are not good at, or interested in, tactics. Hence, I've seen many big ideas that never come to fruition because strategic executives fail in the implementation of their big ideas.
In my experience a purely tactical executive does not grasp strategy easily. Here's a good example: I have a client who has just started a brand-new magazine. The salespeople find it nearly impossible to reach the advertisers they want in the magazine. This is a market with 80- plus competing advertising vehicles. To meet this challenge, I changed the titles of the salespeople to sound less salesy-- for example, \"director of corporate communications.\" This enabled a salesperson to call a prospect and say somethinglike: \"Hi. I'm Jennifer Smith, the director of corporate communications here at XYZ Magazine. As part of our ongoing effort to continually serve the market, we like to learn more about other companies in our market. I also interface with the editorial staff here, and I'm always on the lookout for potential stories for our magazine. Tell me, how long has your company been in business\"
This approach enables the sales staff to achieve the strategic objective of establishing solid relationships within the market and getting into The Ultimate Sales Machine discussions that build rapport. After they build rapport, the salespeople are able to softly segue into talking about advertising. \"One of the other things I do for the magazine is look for products or services that our readers might be interested in.\" This enables the salespeople to then get into dialogue about advertising and work their way into a technique you're about to learn called \"education-based marketing,\" creating an opportunity to educate prospects. This is a long- term, strategic approach to the sales process.
But here's the point: A tactical salesperson would say, \"Why do I want to do all that when all I really want to do is sell them advertising\" The strategic executive would understand that this approach would get you into an actual conversation that can build some rapport and interest before trying to immediately sell the prospect an ad. The strategist looks at every challenge as an opportunity to out-think competitive approaches. This will be demonstrated 10 more ways during the upcoming pages.
If you even think about these objectives, doesn't it automatically change how that meeting might go So much of the sales process and potential strategic objectives are left up to the individual salesperson--every time. What if you, as the leader of your company, could devise a way to accomplish all those strategic objectives, and do them every time anyone in your company is in front of a buyer How much more powerful would you be over your competition
Two furniture stores open up in a town on nearly the same day. One is totally tactical and the other is very strategic. If you go in to look at couches in store 1, the salesperson tries to sell you a couch. Tactical. Over a four- year period, this store grows at about 10 percent per year, mostly driven by the increasing costs of furniture. 59ce067264